
Monday, October 8, 2018

Latest News About Yamashita Treasure

·        Treasure hunters have claimed they found the Yamashita gold in the Philippines
·        Gold bars and gemstones were allegedly looted by the Japanese Imperial Army
·        Alleged war loot stolen was reportedly hidden in caves and tunnels during WWII
·        Some experts have long claimed there are no evidence of the fabled treasure
·        However, a new footage has claimed explorers have found the long lost treasure
·        The video shows blocks of gold apparently found booby trapped with explosives

Treasure hunters are claiming they have uncovered the masses of gold reportedly hidden in the Philippines by Japanese soldiers during WWII.
The discovery could mark the end of decades of speculation over the so-called Yamashita Treasure - gold bars and gemstones worth tens of billions of dollars allegedly looted by the Japanese Imperial Army.
Rumour has it that the looted valuables were stashed in more than 145 underground tunnels and caves in the Philippines before the surrender in 1945.
The alleged war loot stolen by Japanese soldiers was under the command of General Tomoyuki Yamashita, who was in charge of the country's forces in 1944.
Despite some experts claiming there are no evidence of the fabled gold and priceless jewels, a new footage has claimed it has found the long lost treasure.